2010 - 2019



Lacrosse: Men's lacrosse starts as a club team in 2009, then goes varsity in 2010. Women's lacrosse 在2010年的第一个赛季,以29胜2负的战绩战胜所有对手 regional runner up title under coach Frank Rogers.

男子长曲棍球利用新的人造草皮场地进行快速和激烈的比赛 sport.

在她们的第一个赛季,女子长曲棍球队就以他们的优势击败了对手 29-2 record.

可持续商业硕士学位是建立在成功的基础上 the bachelor's degree in this same area. The Center of Sustainability is founded to 为学院和地区企业提供可持续发展实践和新方法的资源 developments in the field of sustainability.

The Performing Arts Center becomes the main stage for Aquinas's revitalized theater program.

围绕毕业日的庆祝活动,包括学士学位弥撒和毕业典礼 典礼,仍然是学生,教师,员工和学生的学年的亮点 parents.

球场改造的第一阶段随着新斯图鲁斯体育的揭幕而开始 & Fitness Center. With fitness equipment for use by students and student athletes, 和一个新的室内运动场地,中心看起来像一个新的设施 尽管这栋建筑的基本足迹和结构是1969年的物理馆 Education and Assembly Building. Fundraising for Phase II of Sturrus, a wing that 将设有棒球和垒球的室内练习区以及室内跑道, continues.

The Sturrus Sports & Fitness Center offers a modern workout room for students and staff.

重新配置的健身房和新楼层为十大赌博登录官网的室内运动提供了一个全新的场所, including basketball and volleyball. Student athletes were displaced for a year while 原来于1969年开放的旧体育及装配大楼进行了翻修 a massive facelift to become the Sturrus Sports & Fitness Center, a premier athletic facility.

理事会制定了一项新的战略计划,“愿景二十:创建一个 Habit of Mind," to guide the College development over the next ten years.


高等教育委员会,前身为北中协会 学院和学校,结束了三月的访问给十大赌博正规平台在线十年 reaccreditation, its highest recommendation.

Dr. Edward Balog, having successfully guided the school through the re-accreditation process, announces his retirement, effective June 30. On leaving campus, Balog believes 他的遗产是专注于跨学科和发展的学术卓越 a new level of professionalism among the faculty.

After Dr. Balog's announcement of his intended retirement, the Board of Trustees appoints 一个遴选委员会,进行有限的遴选,邀请选定的个人 to apply for the vacant position. In April, the Board announces its choice of Dr. 胡安·奥利瓦雷兹将于2011年7月1日就任十大赌博正规平台在线第七任校长.

(At right:) Dr. Juan Olivarez, a 1971 graduate of Aquinas College and former president 大急流城社区学院的校长是由十大赌博正规平台在线董事会选出的 to be Aquinas's seventh president, starting his term after Dr. Balog's June 30 retirement. 



Brookby: CWD房地产公司的物业经理萨姆·卡明斯将布鲁克比捐赠给了十大赌博正规平台在线. 位于普利茅斯大道和罗宾逊路的拐角处,建于1926年 retirement home for John Blodgett Sr., the estate boasts five acres that include the 原来的庄园,两栋小房子,花园,仓库,还有通往菲斯克的通道 Lake.  Blodgett Sr., a lumber baron from England, was the brother of Susan Lowe, who was married to Edward Lowe, owner of the Holmdene Estate. The Brookby Estate serves 作为十大赌博登录官网赞助活动的娱乐场所,以及永久居住地 for the College President. The acquisition of the Brookby Estate is a fulfillment of Cumming’s vision to unite the Estate with the Holmdene Estate.

2011 - 2012

Aquinas College celebrates its quasquicentennial, or 125th anniversary,举办了几场签名活动,以纪念多明尼加的四种神恩 the college since its beginning as Novitiate Normal School in 1886. Prayer, study, 服务和社区以公共仪式来庆祝,这是一本由英国人写的书 Gary Eberle教授,以及多米尼加遗产广场的规划,这是一个重新设计的空间 between Wege Center and the Academic Building.


A New Addition: 十大赌博正规平台在线购买另一所房子,1903 Robinson Rd SE,这所房子建成 in 1905 and will be renamed Sister Mildred Hawkins Hall. Eight upperclassmen students will live in the house.

Black and white photo of Sister Mildred Hawkins Hall in Spring or Summer. The porch is closed in and features a long awning. A garage sits to the right.


Hockey and Bowling男子曲棍球队和保龄球队以曲棍球队结束了他们的第一个赛季 team winning 15 games in its first season.

News Clip featuring image of a student mid bowling throw. Headline is Looking Ahead. 副标题是十大赌博登录官网保龄球队有史以来第一次完成赛季,期待下一个.
新闻剪辑与十大赌博登录官网曲棍球运动员面对对方球队的守门员在冰上. Headline: Aquinas men's hockey wraps up first season. Large text in the body reads "We Won 15 Games"



New Apartment Building: Aquinas builds its fifth apartment building, St. Rose of Lima Hall. This apartment was built in the same design as St. Martin de Porres built in 2009.


St. Rose of Lima Hall as viewed from the Soccer field. Red brick building with four stories and a large arched window in the center.

Alksnis Athletic & Recreational Building serves as an addition to the Sturrus Sports and Fitness Center, which opened in 2010. The addition houses a 200 metre NCAA-certified track. Several intramural sports, including lacrosse, golf, baseball, softball, and basketball conduct practice in the new building.

Alkinsis indoor track and field. Athletes run on the track in the foreground.


The start of women’s hockey is announced.

Announcement of Women's Hockey



The AQ Advantage Center opens to afford students a broader college experience. Encompassing career services, 实习,研究和学习项目,AQ优势中心,位于 母亲维克多弗兰纳里大厅,旨在丰富学生的专业和个人成长, while preparing students for life after graduation.

Mother Victor Flannery Hall, surrounded by greenery. It's a two story yellowish house with a wide porch

A New Entrance: 71年来,学生经由鲁宾逊路进入书院,书院正门及 address changes to 1700 Fulton Street E. A large, sweeping drive opens with a 17 foot statue of St. Thomas Aquinas, sculpted by Jay Carpenter. Below the sculpture, seasonal 鲜花和植物欢迎学生,校友,员工,教师和游客进入 heavily wooded campus.

黑白照片,一个锻铁大门,两侧的砖柱与砖墙相连. Trees fill the space behind the gate, which is open.
Statue of St. 托马斯·十大赌博登录官网(Thomas Aquinas)在一个铺成的圆圈的中心,周围是一堵矮砖墙,墙上种满了灌木, flowers, and grasses. Trees line the backdrop.




Juan Oliverez at a mic on a podium

Presidential Resignation在担任十大赌博登录官网第七任主席六年之后,胡安·奥利韦雷斯宣布 his plan to resign from his position after the 2016-2017 academic year. During his 在担任总统期间,奥利韦兹主张建造一座新教堂,并在教堂内修建一座教堂 科学大楼增加了一个新的侧翼,同时扩建了运动场 opportunities for students. 

A nationwide search is commenced for a new College President. The search committee 由校董会、行政部门、教职员工和学生组成. 总统候选人在校园范围内进行演讲,以征求所有成员的意见 of the College.

Aquinas announces the creation of a new major in Translation and Interpretation. It is the first of its kind in the State of Michigan.


New Chapel智慧之座已完工,并开始举行弥撒和牧灵活动. The bright, airy chapel seats 250 people.

Simple brick chapel with a circular window above an arched doorway. A cross stands at the peak of the roof. Blue skies and white clouds behind.
A view down the aisle of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel. Warm wood pews on either side. Christ on the Cross looms over the alter. The walls are a yellowish beige lined with warm wood details.

New President: Aquinas announces the selection of its 8th President, Dr. Kevin Quinn. Hailing from St. Norbert’s College in Wisconsin, Quinn comes with a strong background in career preparation, focusing on students’ growth both academically and personally. He begins his term on July 1st.

Dr Kevin Quinn smiling in a suit


A competition 为写一首新的战斗歌曲举行了,十大赌博登录官网校友和现任音乐导师芭芭拉 McCargar wrote the lyrics for the winning song, Vict’ry for the Saints. Music by Ken Dye, and choral arrangement by Mark Webb.


Our Lady of Fatima shrine was renovated, and a May Crowning ceremony was held on May 1st. A traditional 在天主教的五月加冕仪式上,有一个庄严的游行队伍通向雕像 of Mary. At the end of the procession, a crown of flowers is placed upon the head of Queen Mary. 

这座神社是十大赌博正规平台在线的学生在二战结束后购买的 memory of Aquinas lives lost during the war.

两个人站在一个凸起的平台上,把法蒂玛圣母的雕像放在一个基座上. The statue is held by a crane.



Sr. Mary Aquinas wing: The new wing to the Albertus Magnus Science Building is completed. Named the Sr. Mary Aquinas Weber wing in honor of Sr. Aquinas Weber, the wing boasts new labs for 生物、化学、地理、物理,并设有110个座位的报告厅 the art technology.


The campus facing side of Albertus Magnus Science Building. 这是一座由红色和灰色砖块巧妙排列的矩形外立面组成的建筑. There are huge sections of windows, tinted blue.
阿尔伯图斯·马格努斯科学大楼的演讲厅,白色的长桌和电脑转椅排成一行, tiered with the highest level in the back, all facing the whiteboards at the low front of the room.